Weekly Pickup Soccer

What is pickup soccer?

Pickup Soccer at Titan Sportsplex Niagara is two hours of 10 minute 7v7 soccer games on both of our indoor turf fields, multiple times a week, for players of all skill levels. The perfect time to improve your game and practice your skills! New teams are created each session.

Our Adult Pickup Soccer runs on four different evenings – Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays with limited spots available. Bring your friends and enjoy your time playing on both fields for $10 per player.

At what times is pickup offered?

Titan Sportsplex Niagara offers Adult Pickup Soccer on:

Sundays – 10:30pm to 12:30am [In-Person Registration Only]
Mondays – 11:00pm to 12:30am [In-Person Registration Only]
Tuesdays – 10:30pm to 12:30am [In-Person Registration Only]
Fridays – 10:30pm to 12:30am [Online Registration Only]

Arriving at least 15 minutes early will aid in securing a place on a team, as there are limited spots available each evening.

How much does it cost?

Our pickup soccer is $10 per player for 2 hours of playtime.

Any additional purchases made at the dome such as drinks, snacks or socks are not included in the Pickup Player Fee.

Titan Sportsplex Niagara offers the ability to pay by cash or card at the facility.

Pickup Policies and Rules

Pickup Waiver Requirement

To participate in Adult Pickup, players must have the Participation Waiver submitted by filling out the form at the bottom of this page to enter our Adult Waiver Database.


Pickup Spots open for sale 30 minutes before the program begins. Players may purchase a pinnie for themselves by cash or card by waiting in line at the front desk. Pickup entry closes when all spots/pinnies have been sold out. There is a purchase maximum of one (1) pinnie per player. After securing a spot, players must wait in the lobby or changerooms until 5 minutes before the program begins or until the field opens. Staff will alert players when they are permitted to enter the field. Join the Pickup WhatsApp Groupchat to be notified on Pickup Attendance, Field Availability and more.

Rules of Play

Pickup uses Indoor Soccer rules with a few exceptions. Players call their own fouls, there are no offsides and sliding is not permitted. Play is resumed with kick-ins. All kicks – including free kicks – which resume play are Indirect except for Corner Kicks and Kick-offs. Players must not be within 3 yards of a play-resuming kick. In the event that the ball touches the ceiling of the facility, play is restarted with an Indirect Free Kick to the opposing team where the ball touched the ceiling.

Players per Team

Each team must have a maximum of 7 players per team, as all pickup games are 7v7: 6 and a Goal Keeper. If you are attending as an individual, find and join a team who does not have a full roster. In the occurrence that a team is short on players, a fill-in player is permitted to join from the sidelines to play according to the amount of players on the opposing team.

Pickup Capacity

Pickup Soccer is first-come, first-served and is limited to a maximum capacity of 42 players per night: Six (6) teams of seven (7) players on each team. This number has been set to allow players to have an even, safe and fair playing experience during their session, with 3 teams assigned to each field at any given time – two playing and one sitting out with rotations every 10 minutes.

Minutes per game

The duration for each game is 10 minutes with a “Play-Two, Sit-One” format. Each team plays two games in a row and then sits out for one game regardless of the score. In order to allow for fair play and inclusion of all players, no team is permitted to play more than two games in a row if there is a team/teams waiting on the sideline. The first “Play-Two” game of the night is decided by Rock Paper Scissors between two players from the opposing teams. Pickups do not use any other rotation policies such as Winner Stays On or Goal Limits.


If an injury occurs on the field, the game where the injury occurs MUST come to a complete stop. This means the ball stops moving and game does not resume until the injury is dealt with properly by Titan Sportsplex’s facility manager. In the case of a serious injury, please approach the facility manager in the dome or office to allow the situation to be handled promptly and professionally. There is no added time per game due to injury.

Player’s Code of Conduct


Violence, physical and verbal abuse will not be tolerated within the facility. Rules of play are clearly defined and arguments should be kept to a minimum. Players seen to be consistently causing altercations or game delays may be denied entry to the facility. Titan Sportsplex Niagara holds the right to remove a player from the facility at any time under the discretion of the facility manager.

Individuals displaying violence, physical abuse or verbal abuse towards players, staff, management, or provoking altercation between players will be REMOVED and/or BANNED from the facility upon review of the situation.

In the event of an escalated situation involving violence or abuse, Titan Sportsplex Niagara holds the right to stop pickup games and escort all players out of the building with no refunds provided and/or to notify local authorities to prosecute responsible individuals.


  • Maximum purchase limit of one (1) pinnie per player.
  • Players must not enter the field until 5 minutes before program start time.
  • Players must pay their Pickup Fee via cash or card at the front desk before entering.
  • E-Transfering, Phone Calling, texting, etc. ahead of in-person arrival will NOT secure a spot.
  • Players without a pinnie will not be permitted to participate. Keep it with you at all times!

Pinnies and Equipment

Titan Sportsplex Niagara provides pinnies and equipment to allow players to create teams and have the best experience possible at our facility. Pinnies, soccer balls and additional borrowed equipment is not to leave the facility and must be returned to the equipment room or facility manager at the end of the night. Abuse or improper use of borrowed equipment will not be tolerated. In the event of misuse, Titan Sportsplex Niagara has the right to refuse and/or re-call any pinnies/equipment.

Click Here for Youth Pickup Participation Waiver

Click the title above to access the Youth Pickup Participation Waiver.

Waiver must be printed out, signed by parent / guardian, and brought with the participant to Youth Pickup.

Adult Pickup Waiver

To participate in Adult Pickup, players must fill out the online waiver below to enter our Waiver System.

The undersigned expressly acknowledges that sports and similar activities involve risk of physical injury greater than those encountered in daily life, and by participating in sports and other activities, members acknowledge and assume the risk inherent therein. TITAN SPORTSPLEX NIAGARA does not accept responsibility, and shall not be liable, for any injury, illness, death, damage, loss, accident, expense, delay, or other irregularity resulting from a registered member’s participation in any activity or use of any of the facilities at TITAN SPORTSPLEX NIAGARA. In consideration of being permitted to enter and use the facilities at Titan Sportsplex Niagara, the undersigned HEREBY RELEASES, WAIVES, DISCHARGES AND COVENANTS NOT TO SUE TITAN SPORTSPLEX NIAGARA, its officers, directors, employees, agents, servants and/or assigns for any and all damage, and any claim or demand therefore on account of INJURY or resulting DEATH of the registered member, of damage to property whether caused by the NEGLIGENCE OF TITAN SPORTSPLEX NIAGARA or otherwise while the registered member is in the facilities at TITAN SPORTSPLEX NIAGARA. Additionally, the undersigned hereby authorizes TITAN SPORTSPLEX NIAGARA to utilize the registered member’s name and/or photographic or verbal representation by any media format (i.e. video taping, audio tape interviews, photographs, etc.) in the promotions of the programs of TITAN SPORTSPLEX NIAGARA. Also, each registered member acknowledges the rules of participation and safety of TITAN SPORTSPLEX NIAGARA and agrees to follow all such rules.

The recommended sports gear for participation in Indoor Soccer includes proper footwear aka. soccer cleats (futsal, indoor or outdoor – metal studs are not permitted), shorts, shin guards, and long socks which cover the entirety of the shin guards. Jewelry and earbuds are not permitted to be worn during gameplay. Participants are free to wear whatever other clothing they are comfortable competing in as long as it abides by the Recommended Sporting Apparel requirements.

By submitting this form you are authorizing that the information provided is correct and agree to TITAN SPORTSPLEX NIAGARA’S Facility Terms and Conditions.

Please enter your full name for your Waiver File


Join the Pickup Group Chat!

Click the following link to join Titan Sportsplex Niagara’s Public Pickup WhatsApp Group Chat to stay up-to-date on hours, field availability, attendance numbers, announcements and more!

WhatsApp Groupchat Invite!

Unlisted Pickup Clips:

Soccer Edits Playlist:

Set to 1080p for best viewing experience!